Targum and Testament Revisited is a new edition of a text first published in 1972, now revised in light of the intervening research and discussions in the field. Martin McNamara provides a lengthy introduction to detail such developments over the last fifty years. He concludes this opening statement with a note on the tell-like structure of targumic tradition -- including interpretations from different ages -- and the presence of continuity in interpretation of certain passages down through the centuries of Jewish history. There has been intense examination of most aspects of targumic...
Targum and Testament Revisited is a new edition of a text first published in 1972, now revised in light of the intervening research and discussions in...
The relevance of the Targums (Aramaic translations of the Hebrew Bible) for the understanding of the New Testament has been a matter of dispute over the past three hundred years, principally by reason of the late date of the Targum manuscripts and the nature of the Aramaic. The debate has become more focused by reason of the Qumran finds of pre-Christian Aramaic documents (1947) and the identification of a complete text of the Palestinian Targum of the Pentateuch in the Vatican Library (Codex Neofiti, 1956). Martin McNamara traces the history of the debate down to our own day and the...
The relevance of the Targums (Aramaic translations of the Hebrew Bible) for the understanding of the New Testament has been a matter of dispute over t...