Divergent beliefs about humanity's relationship to nature collide as the second millenium ends. One belief emphasizes that a distinctive characteristic of humansreasonenables them to reshape and master nature. Another insists that nature is not so plastic, hence humans must adapt to nature and render development sustainable, or even limit growth. Social ecology asserts that environmental problems result from institutional hierarchies and suggests decentralized institutions and egalitarian ethics. According to deep ecology such problems originate in cultures assuming only humans are...
Divergent beliefs about humanity's relationship to nature collide as the second millenium ends. One belief emphasizes that a distinctive characteristi...
A major contribution to the analysis of vulnerability, resilience, and the challenge of confronting environmental problems such as global climate change, 'Leadership in Disaster' is also a resource for scholars and general readers seeking to learn more about how extreme weather disasters can be managed.
A major contribution to the analysis of vulnerability, resilience, and the challenge of confronting environmental problems such as global climate chan...
Civil Society under Authoritarianism takes a fresh look at civil society in China, analyzing the nuanced and dynamic relationship between civil society and government officials.
Civil Society under Authoritarianism takes a fresh look at civil society in China, analyzing the nuanced and dynamic relationship between civil societ...
The world's best-selling grammar series for learners of English. Essential Grammar in Use Italian edition is a self-study reference and practice book for elementary-level learners of English (A1-B1). The book is simple, easy-to-use and is perfect for independent study, covering all the areas of grammar you need at this level. It offers clear support for Italian speaking learners, including a special focus on areas of grammar Italian learners often find problematic. This fourth edition, with updated content, also comes with an interactive eBook. The eBook has the same grammar explanations and...
The world's best-selling grammar series for learners of English. Essential Grammar in Use Italian edition is a self-study reference and practice book ...