Set in the depression era of the early 1930's, this is a family oriented, heartwarming, hilarious family adventure. This adventure centers around two twelve year old step-brother and sister, who are caught in the middle of a family of fourteen. With not enough love to go around, Orville and Joanie form an unusual bond. They are determined to defend and take care of each other, all the time out to have fun by creating havoc wherever they go. They love ditching school almost as much as the teacher enjoys them being gone! You'll enjoy such adventures as "the skunk in school," "first trip to...
Set in the depression era of the early 1930's, this is a family oriented, heartwarming, hilarious family adventure. This adventure centers around two ...
One of the intriguing things about this story is the fact that clones are living with us today. The story revolves around Theodore and his clones. Theodore rises through the Priesthood bringing harmony and World peace. Two unsuspecting doctors develop a near perfect cloning procedure complete with accelerated growth to mimic the donor at any time in his life. The doctors' motives are pure. However, these clones have no soul, no conscience. They commit terrible crimes with no remorse. They drown their children, even set them on fire. The clones have gone into their schools and shot their...
One of the intriguing things about this story is the fact that clones are living with us today. The story revolves around Theodore and his clones. The...