ICOODB 2009 was the second in a series of international conferences aimed at promoting the exchange of information and ideas between members of the objectdatabasecommunity. A keyfeatureof the conferencewasits goalto bring together developers, users and researchers. The conference had three di?erent trackso?eredasatutorialday, anindustrydayandaresearchday. Inaddition, a demo sessionwithcontributionsfromallthree communities enabledparticipants to see the latest and on-going developments in object database technologies, supporting tools and also applications. The conference proceedings presented...
ICOODB 2009 was the second in a series of international conferences aimed at promoting the exchange of information and ideas between members of the ob...
Increasingly, formal specification is being used by database researchers to describe and understand the systems they are designing and implementing. Similarly, those working on formal specification techniques have recognized that the database field provides a rich context for developing their ideas. However, as experts in one field often have a relatively limited knowledge of the other, there is a growing need for discussion about the relationship between these two fields and how they can be usefully combined.
Increasingly, formal specification is being used by database researchers to describe and understand the systems they are designing and implementing. S...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, CAiSE 2013, held in Valencia, Spain, in June 2013.
The 44 revised full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 162 submissions. The contributions have been grouped into the following topical sections: services; awareness; business process execution; products; business process modelling; modelling languages and meta models; requirements engineering 1; enterprise architecture; information systems evolution; mining and predicting; data warehouses and...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, CAiSE 2013, held i...