The Brazilian Arti?cial Intelligence (AI) community decided in 2004 to organize an International Joint Conference, joining IBERAMIA 2006 (the 10th Ibero-American Arti?cial Intelligence Conference), SBIA 2006 (the 18th Brazilian Arti?cial Int- ligence Symposium), and SBRN 2006 (the 9th Brazilian Neural Networks Sym- sium). This decision was a consequence of the successful event organized in 2000, when the First International Joint Conference IBERAMIA/ SBIA 2000 (7th Ibero- American Arti?cial Intelligence Conference and 15th Brazilian Arti?cial Intel- gence Symposium) occurred in Brazil....
The Brazilian Arti?cial Intelligence (AI) community decided in 2004 to organize an International Joint Conference, joining IBERAMIA 2006 (the 10th Ibe...
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Multi-Agent-Based Simulation, MABS 2015, held in Istanbul, Turkey, in May 2015. The workshop was held in conjunction with the 14th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems, AAMAS 2015.
The 12 revised full papers included in this volume ware carefully selected from 22 submissions. The papers focus on the influence of social sciences and multi-agent systems, with a strong application/empirical vein, and its emphasis is stressed on exploratory...
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Multi-Agent-Based Simulation, MABS ...