Haare haben einen hohen gesellschaftlichen Stellenwert. Seit jeher sind die Bemühungen groß, Haarverlust zu verhindern oder rückgängig zu machen bzw. unerwünschte Haare zu entfernen. Das Haar ist in das Visier der Grundlagenforschung und des klinischen Interesses gerückt, was zum vertieften Verständnis der Biologie des Haarwachstums und seiner pathologischen Abweichungen geführt hat. Die Trichologie hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, mit Hilfe rationaler Pharmakotherapien und potenter Technologien die häufigsten Haarprobleme effektiv zu behandeln. Dieses Buch befasst sich mit Diagnostik...
Haare haben einen hohen gesellschaftlichen Stellenwert. Seit jeher sind die Bemühungen groß, Haarverlust zu verhindern oder rückgängig zu machen b...
Ulrike Blume-Peytavi David A. Whiting Ralph M. Trueb
Hair disorders have become a central social and psychological issue and patients present with increasing demands and expectations.
Written by world-renowned experts, this lavishly illustrated textbook provides the latest scientific aspects of hair biology, up to date knowledge on hair diagnosis and treatment options as well as hair removal and restoration techniques. The well-structured content is divided into three sections: Basic aspects of hair growth, Hair and scalp disorders, and Fotoepilation, surgery and hair cosmetics. As an add-on it contains unique sections on hair in...
Hair disorders have become a central social and psychological issue and patients present with increasing demands and expectations.
This monograph provides specialists and primary care physicians who are interested in hair with the practical know-how needed to achieve successful management of male alopecia. Guidance is first provided on the examination of hair loss in men, covering such aspects as clinical examination, the role of trichoscopy and the trichogram, laboratory work-up and scalp biopsy. Diagnosis and treatment are then described in depth for a diverse range of conditions involving alopecia. Expert opinion is combined with the results of evidence-based medicine to provide the best current advice, highlighting...
This monograph provides specialists and primary care physicians who are interested in hair with the practical know-how needed to achieve successful ma...
Haare haben einen hohen gesellschaftlichen Stellenwert. Seit jeher sind die Bemuhungen gross, Haarverlust zu verhindern oder ruckgangig zu machen bzw. unerwunschte Haare zu entfernen. Das Haar ist in das Visier der Grundlagenforschung und des klinischen Interesses geruckt, was zum vertieften Verstandnis der Biologie des Haarwachstums und seiner pathologischen Abweichungen gefuhrt hat. Die Trichologie hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, mit Hilfe rationaler Pharmakotherapien und potenter Technologien die haufigsten Haarprobleme effektiv zu behandeln. Dieses Buch befasst sich mit Diagnostik und...
Haare haben einen hohen gesellschaftlichen Stellenwert. Seit jeher sind die Bemuhungen gross, Haarverlust zu verhindern oder ruckgangig zu machen bzw....
"Aged? But he does not appear aged, just look, his hair has remained young " Marcel Proust, In Search of Lost Time (1913-27) The appearance of hair plays an important role in peoples' overall physical appe- ance and self-perception. With today's increasing life-expectation, the desire to look youthful plays a bigger role than ever. The hair care industry has become aware of this, and capable to deliver active products that are directed toward meeting this c- sumer demand. The discovery of pharmacological targets and the development of safe and effective drugs such as minoxidil and fnasteride...
"Aged? But he does not appear aged, just look, his hair has remained young " Marcel Proust, In Search of Lost Time (1913-27) The appearance of hair pl...
Grounded in scientific reality rather than snake-oil speculation, this work provides specialists and primary care physicians with practical know-how on the diagnostic approaches and treatment options for a variety of conditions involving male alopecia.
Grounded in scientific reality rather than snake-oil speculation, this work provides specialists and primary care physicians with practical know-how o...