Funders of mental health services to youth and families have increasingly required providers to use treatments deemed to be "evidence-based." There are several evidence-based family treatment (EBFT) approaches found to be effective with the same types of presenting problems and populations. All of these EBFTs claim to be based on similar theoretical approaches and have specified treatment protocols that providers must follow to be faithful to the model. These EBFTs are expensive for agencies to establish and maintain. Many agencies that initially adopted one of these EBFTs later de-adopted it...
Funders of mental health services to youth and families have increasingly required providers to use treatments deemed to be "evidence-based." There ar...
Mental health professionals have long debated what makes effective psychotherapy work. Is it a specific treatment modality, or a set of common factors such as a strong therapeutic relationship? J. Scott Fraser argues that both perspectives are correct. His transtheoretical, transdiagnostic framework identifies the process of change that underlies all effective treatments.
Mental health professionals have long debated what makes effective psychotherapy work. Is it a specific treatment modality, or a set of common factors...