When doctors first look at sutureless anastomosis devices created by new technologies, the most frequent comment is how amazingly easy it is to create a vascular anastomosis and, as a direct consequence, they believe anybody could play the role of the cardiovascular surgeon. Pessimistic c- diovascular surgeons, on their side, think that creating a machine capable of perfectly reproducing their core activity, which consists in making an- tomosis, will kill their profession. Actually, no medical specialty s demise has been more often predicted and, at the same time, more greatly ex- gerated...
When doctors first look at sutureless anastomosis devices created by new technologies, the most frequent comment is how amazingly easy it is to create...
When doctors first look at sutureless anastomosis devices created by new technologies, the most frequent comment is how amazingly easy it is to create a vascular anastomosis and, as a direct consequence, they believe anybody could play the role of the cardiovascular surgeon.
When doctors first look at sutureless anastomosis devices created by new technologies, the most frequent comment is how amazingly easy it is to create...