Spatial data analysis has seen explosive growth in recent years. Both in mainstream statistics and econometrics as well as in many applied ?elds, the attention to space, location, and interaction has become an important feature of scholarly work. The methodsdevelopedto dealwith problemsofspatialpatternrecognition, spatialau- correlation, and spatial heterogeneity have seen greatly increased adoption, in part due to the availability of user friendlydesktopsoftware. Throughhis theoretical and appliedwork, ArthurGetishasbeena majorcontributing?gureinthisdevelopment. In this volume, we take both...
Spatial data analysis has seen explosive growth in recent years. Both in mainstream statistics and econometrics as well as in many applied ?elds, the ...
The volume on New Directions in Spatial Econometrics appeared in 1995 as one of the first in the then new Springer series on Advances in Spatial Sciences. It very quickly became evident that the book satisfied a pent up demand for a collection of advanced papers dealing with the methodology and application of spatial economet- rics. This emerging subfield of applied econometrics focuses on the incorporation of location and spatial interaction in the specification, estimation and diagnostic testing of regression models. The current effort is a follow up to the New Directions volume. Even...
The volume on New Directions in Spatial Econometrics appeared in 1995 as one of the first in the then new Springer series on Advances in Spatial Scien...