R. P. Srivastava T. J. Mock Rajendra P. Srivastava
The book focuses on applications of belief functions to business decisions. Divided into three sections, this work: introduces the conceptual development of belief functions; applies belief functions to information systems and auditing; and discusses applications to mergers and acquisitions.
The book focuses on applications of belief functions to business decisions. Divided into three sections, this work: introduces the conceptual developm...
The book focuses on applications of belief functions to business decisions. Section I introduces the intuitive, conceptual and historical development of belief functions. Three different interpretations (the marginally correct approximation, the qualitative model, and the quantitative model) of belief functions are investigated, and rough set theory and structured query language (SQL) are used to express belief function semantics. Section II presents applications of belief functions in information systems and auditing. Included are discussions on how a belief-function framework provides a...
The book focuses on applications of belief functions to business decisions. Section I introduces the intuitive, conceptual and historical development ...