13E 2006, the 6th in this series of IFIP conferences, marked the congregation of researchers and practitioners in the areas of e-Commerce, e-Business, and e-Government. The conference was sponsored by IFIP TC 6 in cooperation with TC 8 and TC 11.
The conference provided a forum for researchers, engineers and interested users in academia, industry, and government to discuss the latest research, cutting-edge practice and upcoming trends in the growing areas of e-Commerce, e-Business, and particularly e-Government. Sophisticated applications as well as the underlying technology that...
13E 2006, the 6th in this series of IFIP conferences, marked the congregation of researchers and practitioners in the areas of e-Commerce, e-Busine...
13E 2006, the 6th in this series of IFIP conferences, marked the congregation of researchers and practitioners in the areas of e-Commerce, e-Business, and e-Government. The conference was sponsored by IFIP TC 6 in cooperation with TC 8 and TC 11.
The conference provided a forum for researchers, engineers and interested users in academia, industry, and government to discuss the latest research, cutting-edge practice and upcoming trends in the growing areas of e-Commerce, e-Business, and particularly e-Government. Sophisticated applications as well as the underlying technology that...
13E 2006, the 6th in this series of IFIP conferences, marked the congregation of researchers and practitioners in the areas of e-Commerce, e-Busine...