The Fourth International Workshop on Learning Classi?er Systems (IWLCS 2001)washeldJuly7-8,2001, inSanFrancisco, California, duringtheGenetic andEvolutionaryComputationConference(GECCO2001). Wehaveincluded inthisvolumerevisedandextendedversionsofelevenofthepaperspresented attheworkshop. Thevolumeisorganizedintotwomainparts. The?rstisdedicatedtoimportant theoreticalissuesoflearningclassi?ersystemsresearchincludingthein?uence ofexplorationstrategy, amodelofself-adaptiveclassi?ersystems, andtheuse ofclassi?ersystemsforsocialsimulation. Thesecondpartcontainspapersd- cussing applications of...
The Fourth International Workshop on Learning Classi?er Systems (IWLCS 2001)washeldJuly7-8,2001, inSanFrancisco, California, duringtheGenetic andEvolu...
Data mining from traditional relational databases as well as from non-traditional ones such as semi-structured data, Web data, and scientific databases housing biological, linguistic, and sensor data has recently become a popular way of discovering hidden knowledge.
This book on database support for data mining is developed to approaches exploiting the available database technology, declarative data mining, intelligent querying, and associated issues, such as optimization, indexing, query processing, languages, and constraints. Attention is also paid to the solution of data...
Data mining from traditional relational databases as well as from non-traditional ones such as semi-structured data, Web data, and scientific datab...