Set on the moors and surrounding villages during the 1950's and 1960's this collection of short stories brings together Inspector Jack Hamlyn and Police Constable Dave Wright of the Moorland Constabulary, to investigate murder, mystery and intrigue. Hamlyn and Wright find themselves involved with ghosts, murders, history, jealousy and obsession. Nothing is ever quite like it seems. Beginning with the unusual deaths of four young people on Mochlin Moor, with no evidence to go on and the subsequent arrest of the killer; to the murder of Jacob Dann on Runsett Moor in 1889 and the later...
Set on the moors and surrounding villages during the 1950's and 1960's this collection of short stories brings together Inspector Jack Hamlyn and Poli...
Elizabeth J. Bruce Ann Elizabeth Bruce Elizabeth Tomlinson
We are two elderly ladies who have been blest to express in verse form, what we see around us in the wonders of creation. We both love the countryside and enjoy nature in every form and it is amazing what a few moments of contemplating what is around us, can do to calm the spirit and give fresh insight to go on when life seems to be more than we can cope with. May the inspiration we have been given help every reader to find that something more that is waiting for everyone who seeks. All proceeds from the sale of this book goes to charity.
We are two elderly ladies who have been blest to express in verse form, what we see around us in the wonders of creation. We both love the countryside...