In Cafe "The Blue Danube," Radka Yakimov, a native of Bulgaria, recalls tales that are heartfelt, reflective and insightful. The communist regimes of Eastern Europe, the fight for women's rights and trying to adapt to a new life in Canada while suspended between two worlds are towering themes in this hard-hitting book. Yakimov takes her readers to faraway places. You'll meet Mrs. Bailey, who finds herself in a strange place-right in her own country; you'll learn how so many are struggling with life in the post-communists democracies while battling the consequences of totalitarianism; and...
In Cafe "The Blue Danube," Radka Yakimov, a native of Bulgaria, recalls tales that are heartfelt, reflective and insightful. The communist regimes of ...
In Cafe "The Blue Danube," Radka Yakimov, a native of Bulgaria, recalls tales that are heartfelt, reflective and insightful. The communist regimes of Eastern Europe, the fight for women's rights and trying to adapt to a new life in Canada while suspended between two worlds are towering themes in this hard-hitting book. Yakimov takes her readers to faraway places. You'll meet Mrs. Bailey, who finds herself in a strange place-right in her own country; you'll learn how so many are struggling with life in the post-communists democracies while battling the consequences of totalitarianism; and...
In Cafe "The Blue Danube," Radka Yakimov, a native of Bulgaria, recalls tales that are heartfelt, reflective and insightful. The communist regimes of ...