"I Will Bear True Faith and Allegiance" chronicles the thrilling adventures of a young American patriot written in the candid and down to earth perspective of one of our nation's Ten Outstanding Young Americans for the year 2004.
From accounting for missing POW/MIAs in communist Vietnam, to Korea's Demilitarized Zone, to helping write the actual war plans used during Operation Iraqi Freedom, Eric Axelbank delivers an engrossing account of how our freedoms are defended today.
From Chapter 11. "At approximately 9:15 a.m. on an autumn Monday on the Korean peninsula, I received a message...
"I Will Bear True Faith and Allegiance" chronicles the thrilling adventures of a young American patriot written in the candid and down to earth perspe...
"I Will Bear True Faith and Allegiance" chronicles the thrilling adventures of a young American patriot written in the candid and down to earth perspective of one of our nation's Ten Outstanding Young Americans for the year 2004.
From accounting for missing POW/MIAs in communist Vietnam, to Korea's Demilitarized Zone, to helping write the actual war plans used during Operation Iraqi Freedom, Eric Axelbank delivers an engrossing account of how our freedoms are defended today.
From Chapter 11. "At approximately 9:15 a.m. on an autumn Monday on the Korean peninsula, I received a message...
"I Will Bear True Faith and Allegiance" chronicles the thrilling adventures of a young American patriot written in the candid and down to earth perspe...