"Sally" is a post Ice Age cave dweller, William is a 22nd century particle engineer who travels from world to world in a modified Winnebago. Together, this unlikely duo set off to find the world farthest from the center of the Macroverse (which contains every possible Universe). Aided by William's hyperdimensional computer, Bob, and accompanied by Sally's pet Tiger, they pass through many worlds, some truly bizarre and some not-too-different from their home worlds. "It's fun, and I enjoyed it." -Piers Anthony hipiers.com Newsletter Apull 2011
"Sally" is a post Ice Age cave dweller, William is a 22nd century particle engineer who travels from world to world in a modified Winnebago. Together,...
Because of her large head, Yolanda Delphinia "Yo" Piggy is always concerned about things falling on it. Here is some advice she has given about things that can fall on your head. She has also graciously posed for the illustrations accompanying each verse. Starting Dec 1, 2015, for every paperback copy of a 'Yo Piggy' book sold, $1 will be donated to Children's Repertory of Oregon Workshops.
Because of her large head, Yolanda Delphinia "Yo" Piggy is always concerned about things falling on it. Here is some advice she has given about things...
In her second book, Yolanda Dephinia "Yo" Piggy examines things you can (or maybe should not) stand on. Starting Dec 1, 2015, for every paperback copy of a 'Yo Piggy' book sold, $1 will be donated to Children's Repertory of Oregon Workshops.
In her second book, Yolanda Dephinia "Yo" Piggy examines things you can (or maybe should not) stand on. Starting Dec 1, 2015, for every paperback copy...
In Yo Piggy's third book, she proves that she can get in trouble as well as anybody. twenty limerick verses, each with two color drawings, illustrate her misadventures. Starting Dec 1, 2015, for every paperback copy of a 'Yo Piggy' book sold, $1 will be donated to Children's Repertory of Oregon Workshops.
In Yo Piggy's third book, she proves that she can get in trouble as well as anybody. twenty limerick verses, each with two color drawings, illustrate ...
Lyla and Jonha are young artists who live on their own tiny planet. Theirs is one of a thousand such planets, each hosting a pair of artists who are destined to spend their lives together. The artists on these planets know very little about the rest of the galaxy and believe that they are creating solely for each other's enjoyment. One day, communication from the other planets, and from Central Authority is suddenly cut off, and the other small planets begin disappearing from the night sky. Jonha and Lyla try to continue with their lives as normally as possible. When it becomes obvious that...
Lyla and Jonha are young artists who live on their own tiny planet. Theirs is one of a thousand such planets, each hosting a pair of artists who are d...