Dieser Band erscheint aus Anlafi des sechzigsten Geburtstags von Gunter Hotz. Er enthiilt Arbeiten seiner Schuler, Freunde und Kollegen. Gunter Hotz ist seit 1969 Professor fur Numerische Mathematik und Informatik an der Universitiit des Saarlandes. Er hat am Aufbau des Fachbereichs Informatik der Universitiit des Saarlandes groBen Anteil, und er hat die Entwicklung der Infor matik in Deutschland wesentlich mitgepriigt. Dies wird durch die Vielfalt der hier erscheinenden Arbeiten eindrucksvoll belegt. Mit den Beitriigen im vorliegenden Buch mochten die Autoren bei Herrn Hotz einen Teil des...
Dieser Band erscheint aus Anlafi des sechzigsten Geburtstags von Gunter Hotz. Er enthiilt Arbeiten seiner Schuler, Freunde und Kollegen. Gunter Hotz i...
Silvia M. Muller Silvia M. M]ller Wolfgang J. Paul
This book presents a formal model for evaluating the cost effectiveness of computer architectures. The model can cope with a wide range of architectures, from CPU design to parallel supercomputers. To illustrate the formal procedure of trade-off analyses, several non-pipelined design alternatives for the well-known RISC architecture called DLX are analyzed quantitatively. It is formally proved that the interrupt mechanism proposed for the DLX architecture handles nested interrupts correctly. In an appendix all programs to compute the cost and cycle time of the designs described are listed...
This book presents a formal model for evaluating the cost effectiveness of computer architectures. The model can cope with a wide range of architectur...
Computer Architecture: Complexity and Correctness develops, at the gate level, the complete design of a pipelined RISC processor with delayed branch, forwarding, hardware interlock, precise maskable nested interrupts, caches, and a fully IEEE-compliant floating point unit. In contrast to other design approaches applied in practice and unlike other textbooks available, the design presented here are modular, clean and complete up to the construction of entire complex machines. The authors' systematically basing their approach on rigorous mathematical formalisms allows for rigorous correctness...
Computer Architecture: Complexity and Correctness develops, at the gate level, the complete design of a pipelined RISC processor with delayed branch, ...
The pillars of the bridge on the cover of this book date from the Roman Empire and they are in daily use today, an example of conventional engineering at its best. Modern commodity operating systems are examples of current system programming at its best, with bugs discovered and fixed on a weekly or monthly basis. This book addresses the question of whether it is possible to construct computer systems that are as stable as Roman designs.
The authors successively introduce and explain specifications, constructions and correctness proofs of a simple MIPS processor; a simple compiler...
The pillars of the bridge on the cover of this book date from the Roman Empire and they are in daily use today, an example of conventional engineer...
Dieses Lehrbuch beschaftigt sich in mathematisch praziser Weise mit einem ganz und gar praktischen Thema, namlich dem Entwurf digitaler Hardware. Neben einer Diskussion der mathematischen Grundbegriffe werden die notwendigen theoretischen Grundlagen behandelt. Schlielich wird dann das vollstandige Design eines einfachen Rechners entwickelt.
Dieses Lehrbuch beschaftigt sich in mathematisch praziser Weise mit einem ganz und gar praktischen Thema, namlich dem Entwurf digitaler Hardware. Nebe...