Controlled natural languages (CNLs) are subsets of natural languages, obtained by - stricting the grammar and vocabulary in order to reduce or eliminate ambiguity and complexity. Traditionally, controlled languagesfall into two major types: those that - prove readability for human readers, and those that enable reliable automatic semantic analysis of the language. . . . ] The second type of languages has a formal logical basis, i. e. they have a formal syntax and semantics, and can be mapped to an existing formal language, such as ?rst-order logic. Thus, those languages can be used as...
Controlled natural languages (CNLs) are subsets of natural languages, obtained by - stricting the grammar and vocabulary in order to reduce or elimina...
Das Buch ist eine Einfuhrung in die logische Programmierung in der Form eines Kurses, in dem die Grundlagen der logischen Programmierung, die logische Programmiersprache Prolog und ihre Programmierpraxis, sowie einige Anwendungen vorgestellt werden. Nach einer kurzen Begriffsbestimmung der logischen Programmierung wird das sogenannte reine Prolog als Programmiersprache anhand von Beispielen eingefuhrt. Die logischen Hintergrunde werden dabei nur angedeutet. Anschliessend werden die Erweiterungen vorgestellt, die Prolog zur vollen Programmiersprache machen. Es folgen etablierte...
Das Buch ist eine Einfuhrung in die logische Programmierung in der Form eines Kurses, in dem die Grundlagen der logischen Programmierung, die logische...
This volume contains the papers from the Seventh International Workshop on Logic Program Synthesis and Transformation, LOPSTR '97, that took place in Leuven, Belgium, on July 10-12, 1997, 'back to back' with the Fourteenth International Conference on Logic Programming, ICLP '97. Both ICLP and LOPSTR were organised by the K.U. Leuven Department of Computer Science. LOPSTR '97 was sponsored by Compulog Net and by the Flanders Research Network on Declarative Methods in Computer Science. LOPSTR '97 had 39 participants from 13 countries. There were two invited talks by Wolfgang Bibel (Darmstadt)...
This volume contains the papers from the Seventh International Workshop on Logic Program Synthesis and Transformation, LOPSTR '97, that took place in ...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Controlled Natural Language, CNL 2012, held in Zurich, Switzerland, in August 2012. The 12 revised papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on CNL for knowledge representation, CNL for interactive systems, CNL applications, CNL grammars and lexica, CNL in the context of the Semantic Web and Linked Open Data and CNL use cases.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Controlled Natural Language, CNL 2012, held in Zurich, Switzerla...