Cukurova University, Turkey in collaboration with Ljubljana University, Slovenia and the International Energy Agency Implementing Agreement on Energy Conservation Through Energy Storage (IEA ECES IA) organized a NATO Advanced Study Institute on Thermal Energy Storage for Sustainable Energy Consumption Fundamentals, Case Studies and Design (NATO ASI TESSEC), in Cesme, Izmir, Turkey in June, 2005. This book contains manuscripts based on the lectures included in the scientific programme of the NATO ASI TESSEC.
Cukurova University, Turkey in collaboration with Ljubljana University, Slovenia and the International Energy Agency Implementing Agreement on Ener...
Cukurova University, Turkey in collaboration with Ljubljana University, Slovenia and the International Energy Agency Implementing Agreement on Energy Conservation Through Energy Storage (IEA ECES IA) organized a NATO Advanced Study Institute on Thermal Energy Storage for Sustainable Energy Consumption Fundamentals, Case Studies and Design (NATO ASI TESSEC), in Cesme, Izmir, Turkey in June, 2005. This book contains manuscripts based on the lectures included in the scientific programme of the NATO ASI TESSEC.
Cukurova University, Turkey in collaboration with Ljubljana University, Slovenia and the International Energy Agency Implementing Agreement on Ener...