Synopsis: This book offers a rigorous analysis of the theme of "the cross" in the Johannine literature. After reviewing previous scholarship on the issue, Morgan-Wynne examines evidence that prima facie suggests that the evangelist, while maintaining the role of Jesus as revealer of the Father in his incarnate ministry, also saw something decisive for the salvation of human beings happening in the cross. Having established this, the work looks at Johns understanding of sin and his concept of the purpose shared by the Father and Jesus, before reflecting on themes associated with the meaning of...
Synopsis: This book offers a rigorous analysis of the theme of "the cross" in the Johannine literature. After reviewing previous scholarship on th...
After a review of scholarly work on the speeches in Acts, particularly Paul's Pisidian Antioch speech, Morgan-Wynne sets Paul's speech in the context of the first missionary journey and of the rest of Luke-Acts. In this book he analyzes the structure of the speech, asks whether Luke used sources for the speech, and examines the main theological themes, including the characterization of God and Jesus, the use of the OT, the place of Israel, and the portrait of Paul that emerges. Finally, the author looks at whether the speech sheds any light on the community for which Luke wrote and the...
After a review of scholarly work on the speeches in Acts, particularly Paul's Pisidian Antioch speech, Morgan-Wynne sets Paul's speech in the context ...
After a review of scholarly work on the speeches in Acts, particularly Paul s Pisidian Antioch speech, Morgan-Wynne sets Paul s speech in the context of the first missionary journey and of the rest of Luke-Acts. In this book he analyzes the structure of the speech, asks whether Luke used sources for the speech, and examines the main theological themes, including the characterization of God and Jesus, the use of the Old Testament, the place of Israel, and the portrait of Paul that emerges. Finally, the author looks at whether the speech sheds any light on the community for which Luke wrote and...
After a review of scholarly work on the speeches in Acts, particularly Paul s Pisidian Antioch speech, Morgan-Wynne sets Paul s speech in the context ...