Set in Hollywood, this book is a comedy about hilarious human transplants run amok on a secret clone farm. The book's main character Keith, a soundman-writer, struggles to forget a mysterious death while falling in love with a cold-bodied wardrobe girl. To their horror, fiction becomes reality as real doctors snatch living parts for a bloody transplant.
Set in Hollywood, this book is a comedy about hilarious human transplants run amok on a secret clone farm. The book's main character Keith, a soundman...
A bright young man, Matthew, and a posh young woman, Azur, struggle to understand strange psychic phenomena. A difficult romance develops as they interact with undead creatures who were Matt's ancestors. Matt is fascinated by their invisibility, but Azur is afraid they will kill her.
A bright young man, Matthew, and a posh young woman, Azur, struggle to understand strange psychic phenomena. A difficult romance develops as they inte...
In this bizarre story of the making of a hilarious film about crazy old people who grow their own replacement parts on a secret clone farm, pandemonium erupts when the young virgin clones escape.
In this bizarre story of the making of a hilarious film about crazy old people who grow their own replacement parts on a secret clone farm, pandemoniu...
Two Stanford students unravel the messages mankind's ancient extraterrestrial ancestors scattered across the planet before the last ice age. An unusual young Gypsy woman and a nerdy guy use scientific skills to uncover clues that have gone unnoticed for millennia.
Two Stanford students unravel the messages mankind's ancient extraterrestrial ancestors scattered across the planet before the last ice age. An unusua...
Join Jessica and Keith in a dangerous adventure when they stumble upon grainy war-time footage of a forgotten Nazi flying machine as well as plans for its construction. Jessica, an intelligent beautiful young psychic, and Keith, her deeply troubled lover, have no business leaving Hollywood to creep in flooded underground war-time ruins that may collapse at any moment. They should have stayed where they belong, helping their friend David direct the world's first TV parody of the porno film industry. Why leave the excitement and sex to crawl through freezing tunnels amidst the stink of corpses...
Join Jessica and Keith in a dangerous adventure when they stumble upon grainy war-time footage of a forgotten Nazi flying machine as well as plans for...