The aim of this book is to provide the student with an anthology of key texts on the broad range of social scientific theories of religion. The texts included come from a wide range of approaches to religion - unified both by the questions that they are addressing and the broadly social scientific perspective. The disciplines covered include: Anthropology, Phenomenology, Psychology and Sociology. We have also included some key texts relating to the Feminist approach to and critique of religion. The initial section of the book includes some of the foundational texts relating to the study of...
The aim of this book is to provide the student with an anthology of key texts on the broad range of social scientific theories of religion. The texts ...
A little-known lecture by Levi-Strauss is the inspiration for this work. In this lecture, he intuitively suggested that in medieval Europe there once existed a set of myths, centred on the grail, which are structurally the opposite of the goatsucker myths that he famously analyzed in his mythologiques series. This work uses Levi-Strauss' inspirational lecture as a launchpad for an exploration of a group of related medieval Welsh myths, two of which have been briefly considered previously by Levi-Strauss himself. The root of the methodological approach this book employs throughout is the...
A little-known lecture by Levi-Strauss is the inspiration for this work. In this lecture, he intuitively suggested that in medieval Europe there once ...
This volume breaks new ground in the study of landscapes, both rural and urban. The innovative notion of this landscape collection is rupture. The book explores the ways in which societal, economic and cultural changes are transforming the meanings and understandings of landscapes. The text explores both how landscapes are contesting changes in society and changing society. The volume combines empirically fine-grained accounts of landscape rupture, from different parts of the world, with a sustained effort to explore, rethink and analytically extend the concept of rupture itself. The...
This volume breaks new ground in the study of landscapes, both rural and urban. The innovative notion of this landscape collection is rupture. ...
This volume breaks new ground in the study of landscapes, both rural and urban. The book therefore combines fresh empirical data with innovative theoretical approaches to open understanding of landscape as a dynamic, living entity subject to abrupt change and unpredictable disruptions.
This volume breaks new ground in the study of landscapes, both rural and urban. The book therefore combines fresh empirical data with innovative theor...