The Mathematics of Love is a poignant chronicle of two people, separated by centuries, whose lives--amazingly, impossibly--become interwoven in a brilliant tapestry of tragedy, memory, and time. Following alternate but intimately connected stories--of a curious, promiscuous teenager in her season of exile and awakening in the English countryside in 1976, and a nineteenth-century soldier damaged on the fields of Waterloo, struggling to find his way back to life with the help of a compassionate, extraordinary woman--Emma Darwin's breathtaking narrative brilliantly evokes the horrors...
The Mathematics of Love is a poignant chronicle of two people, separated by centuries, whose lives--amazingly, impossibly--become interwov...
The cruel fate of the Princes in the Tower is one of the most fascinating--and most troubling--of all England's historical murder mysteries. But what was the truth behind the deaths of the young Edward V and his brother, Dickon, taken from their mother, Elizabeth Woodville, King Edward IV's beautiful widow, and their guardian, Anthony Woodville? And what about the man who would become King Richard III?
In a brilliant feat of historical daring, the acclaimed author of The Mathematics of Love reimagines the tragedy of the youngest victims of the Wars of the Roses. Through the...
The cruel fate of the Princes in the Tower is one of the most fascinating--and most troubling--of all England's historical murder mysteries. But wh...
Do you have a compelling vision for a story set in the past? Get Started in Writing Historical Fiction is designed for anyone who wants to write in this genre of fiction, whatever their preoccupation or "era." Designed to build confidence and help fire up creativity, it is also an essential guide to mastering the practicalities of writing historical fiction, from where to start with research to how to capture the voices of the past. It carries the distinctive learning features of the flagship Teach Yourself Creative Writing series, with Snapshots designed to get you writing quickly,...
Do you have a compelling vision for a story set in the past? Get Started in Writing Historical Fiction is designed for anyone who wants to w...