This book presents an authoritative overview of memory in everyday contexts. Written by an expert team of international authors, it gathers together research on some of the more neglected but revealing areas of memory, to provide a comprehensive overview of remembering in real life situations.
Contributions from leading experts deal with a variety of important questions concerning everyday memory, from under-researched areas such as memory for odours, to more well known areas, like collective memory. Topics covered also include: * Beliefs about memory and the metaphors used to discuss...
This book presents an authoritative overview of memory in everyday contexts. Written by an expert team of international authors, it gathers together r...
Presenting an overview of memory in everyday contexts, this book gathers together research on some of the more neglected but revealing areas of memory, to provide a comprehensive overview of remembering in real life situations.
Presenting an overview of memory in everyday contexts, this book gathers together research on some of the more neglected but revealing areas of memory...
How does the brain piece together the information required to achieve object recognition, figure-ground segmentation, object completion in cases of partial occlusion and related perceptual phenomena?
This book focuses on principles of Gestalt psychology and the key issues which surround them, providing an up-to-date survey of the most interesting and highly debated topics in visual neuroscience, perception and object recognition.
The volume is divided into three main parts: Gestalt and perceptual organisation, attention aftereffects and illusions, and color vision and art perception....
How does the brain piece together the information required to achieve object recognition, figure-ground segmentation, object completion in cases of...