This book is the final in a trilogy of bible study devotionals released by Alexander over a 12-month period. It contains 21 lessons that have been pulled from the pages of Paul's Letter to the Romans. The lessons in this book, as well as in Alexander's previous two books (Sunday school lessons from the book of the Acts of the Apostles and Sunday school lessons from the Gospel according to John Mark) are simple and straightforward, and, are to be used to help introduce people to CHRIST, and to the Christian ideaology that comes from the mind of GOD. The book of Romans takes us through a deeper...
This book is the final in a trilogy of bible study devotionals released by Alexander over a 12-month period. It contains 21 lessons that have been pul...
EDITORIAL REVIEW: John's Gospel was most likely written sometime between A.D. 85 and 95. His depiction of JESUS is the most theological of the four gospels. He presents to us, a JESUS WHO existed with GOD, and, as GOD, even before the creation of the universe. John's unique style confront's us with an overwhelming necessity to believe on our LORD and SAVIOR. He shows JESUS as the focus of a spiritual struggle between the forces of light and darkness, love and hate, and most of all, life and death. The four Gospels are our primary source of information about JESUS. And while they do not...
EDITORIAL REVIEW: John's Gospel was most likely written sometime between A.D. 85 and 95. His depiction of JESUS is the most theological of the four go...
EDITORIAL REVIEW: Long ago GOD spoke many times and in many different ways to our ancestors, through HIS prophets. Today, GOD continues to speak to us through HIS written word, and through the example of JESUS CHRIST, HIS SON. The Book of Hebrews exalts CHRIST, perhaps, more than any other book in the bible. It describes in great detail, the superiority of CHRIST JESUS to everything in the Old Testament, including Moses, the angels, the entire priesthood, and, the old animal sacrificial system. The author of the Book of Hebrews clearly has a superior, SPIRIT led understanding of the...
EDITORIAL REVIEW: Long ago GOD spoke many times and in many different ways to our ancestors, through HIS prophets. Today, GOD continues to speak to us...