Set in the socially stratified world of Mobile, Al. in the 1960's, Honeysuckle Drift tells the compelling story of a prominent family's unraveling. Robert Townsend, a brilliant attorney who wants to support his family in luxury, has begun to take drugs for the stamina needed to work late into the night. His hot-tempered wife, Elizabeth, suspects that his late nights are not always "work." Robert's breezy confidence so blinds him to his addiction that he doesn't realize that a stunt he pulls in court will land him in hot water with the judge. Nor does it occur to Elizabeth, who pleads with the...
Set in the socially stratified world of Mobile, Al. in the 1960's, Honeysuckle Drift tells the compelling story of a prominent family's unraveling. Ro...
Orrin was born for the mission ahead of him; his team has nothing to lose and a livable planet to gain. Built for the elements and prepared for the worst, Orrin is Earth's last chance for survival and he is determined to save humanity no matter the cost. As the daughter of the Vaklarn Elite, Aya was adorned with every amenity available but she craved a life of freedom and independence. Betrothed to the man of her father's choice, her chance at love was taken from her in the name of her ancestors until she comes face to face with the biggest threat her people have ever encountered; Orrin. When...
Orrin was born for the mission ahead of him; his team has nothing to lose and a livable planet to gain. Built for the elements and prepared for the wo...
In Pain on Purpose is an inspirational novel about relationships..... Your relationships rather good or bad produce fruit. The relationships we have with our parents establish the basis of our foundation. As we grow and begin to seek adult relationships the manifestations of that fruit begins to show. Nyla never had a relationship with her father. Her relationship with her mother was the definition of dysfunction. This novel was written to inspire young people that may be experiencing toxic relationships. We can move beyond our pain and live on purpose. Your Pain can be used to guide you...
In Pain on Purpose is an inspirational novel about relationships..... Your relationships rather good or bad produce fruit. The relationships we hav...
In this irresistible marriage of watercolorist's sketchbook and traveler's guide, Virginia Johnson lovingly captures the magic of one of the world's most storied regions, the French Riviera. We walk the Promenade des Anglais in Nice. Shop for handmade sandals at Rondini in Saint-Tropez. Visit the Madoura workshop in Antibes, where Picasso discovered his genius for pottery. Meet legendary characters like Pierre Gruneberg, a swimming instructor who taught Jean Cocteau, Brigitte Bardot, Paul McCartney, and many others.
Saturated with the limpid colors of sea and sun, the dazzling...
In this irresistible marriage of watercolorist's sketchbook and traveler's guide, Virginia Johnson lovingly captures the magic of one of the world's m...