Larry Mathis, CFP. has been working dental professionals for more than 17 years. His wealth of experience has enabled him to help simplify and improve the lives of dental professionals by inspiring them to implement financial strategies based upon what they value most in life You've already chosen a great profession Bridging The Financial Gap for Dentists will help you discover how to live your life based upon those things that you value most and encourage you to develop a financial strategy today to help you enjoy what you value to the fullest both today and in the future. Bridging The...
Larry Mathis, CFP. has been working dental professionals for more than 17 years. His wealth of experience has enabled him to help simplify and improve...
Larry Mathis, CFP(R) has been working dental professionals for more than 17 years. His wealth of experience has enabled him to help simplify and improve the lives of dental professionals by inspiring them to implement financial strategies based upon what they value most in life You've already chosen a great profession Bridging The Financial Gap for Dentists will help you discover how to live your life based upon those things that you value most and encourage you to develop a financial strategy today to help you enjoy what you value to the fullest both today and in the future. Bridging The...
Larry Mathis, CFP(R) has been working dental professionals for more than 17 years. His wealth of experience has enabled him to help simplify and impro...
Have you ever stopped to consider that Jesus Christ used the same tools each day as a carpenter wood, a hammer and nails--that were used to crucify him? Knowing that he would die on the cross, how did he cope with this reality? What can you learn from him to deal effectively with the stresses you face every day? In a brief but powerful read, the authors share insights and real life stories from a cross section of Christians. These stories not only allow Christians and non-Christians to more fully appreciate what Christ did on Calvary, but also model how to use the spiritual tools Jesus...
Have you ever stopped to consider that Jesus Christ used the same tools each day as a carpenter wood, a hammer and nails--that were used to crucify...