This monograph is the result of the cooperation of a mathematician working in universal algebra and geometry, and a computer scientist working in automated deduction, who succeeded in employing the theorem prover Otter for proving first order theorems from mathematics and then intensified their joint effort. Mathematicians will find many new results from equational logic, universal algebra, and algebraic geometry and benefit from the state-of-the-art outline of the capabilities of automated deduction techniques. Computer scientists will find a large and varied source of theorems and...
This monograph is the result of the cooperation of a mathematician working in universal algebra and geometry, and a computer scientist working in auto...
Presents minimal equational axiom-systems for various lattice-related algebras, regardless of whether they are given in terms of 'join and meet' or other types of operations such as ternary operations.
Presents minimal equational axiom-systems for various lattice-related algebras, regardless of whether they are given in terms of 'join and meet' or ot...