FORGIVENESS This is what we all need and want from time to time and as quickly as possible. However, depending on the offense, we are slow and reluctant to extend it to others. There are few things more challenging to practice than forgiveness--even for Christians who have been forgiven for so much. The title of this book, as well as the content, is based on Jesus' reply to Peter when the apostle asked how often should you forgive a person (Matthew 18:21-35). If we don't forgive others, our heavenly Father will not forgive is (Matthew 6:14, 15). Jesus continued that we must forgive seventy...
FORGIVENESS This is what we all need and want from time to time and as quickly as possible. However, depending on the offense, we are slow and reluct...
The Bible contains over 800 references to the heart, proving God has a major interest in the heart and we should too. King Solomon wrote: "As water reflects a face; so man's heart reflects the man" (Proverbs 27:19). The Scriptures affirm that there is a constant war going on between the head (the carnal man) and the heart (the spiritual man).This book presents a winning strategy, based on God's word, for the heart winning this battle. It contains 11 major lessons with questions at the end of each lesson, plus 52 heart exercises to guide the heart to victory over a year. This material needs to...
The Bible contains over 800 references to the heart, proving God has a major interest in the heart and we should too. King Solomon wrote: "As water re...
Every year, on an average, 50 percent of marriages end in divorce. Many of these were marriages entered into while the couples were in their teen years. We spend time, effort, and money preparing our children for many aspects of life, but, sadly, we do very little in preparing them for marriage. It takes more preparation to get a drivers license than a marriage license. King Solomon wrote some wise advice thousand of years ago: "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. This book presents basic and fundamental teaching to help prepare youth for...
Every year, on an average, 50 percent of marriages end in divorce. Many of these were marriages entered into while the couples were in their teen year...
A Steward is someone who manages the wealth, property, holdings, etc. of another. Since God is the owner of all things we are His stewards, manager of that which belongs to Him. We are commanded to be faithful stewards (1 Cor. 4:1, 2). This dynamic, practical and easy to apply book contains 31 specific lessons on every aspect of biblical stewardship. It is a must for every steward; great for personal study, class study, and group studies. Order your copy today. The lesson "God's Rich Friends" will be worth the small cost.
A Steward is someone who manages the wealth, property, holdings, etc. of another. Since God is the owner of all things we are His stewards, manager of...