Aroused by gains in civil rights and galvanized by the antiwar movement, radical leaders of the 1960s sought to make revolutionary changes in American society. Partly through their leadership, a generation was awakened by the call for a counterculture. That generation is now responsible for the same social and political structures they so adamantly, and sometimes violently, opposed. How did the sixties affect the counterculture leaders? And what are they doing now?Paul Krassner, Cleveland Sellers, Jane Adams, Dave Dellinger, Bill Ayers, Warren Hinckle, Peter Berg, Noam Chomsky, Tim Leary,...
Aroused by gains in civil rights and galvanized by the antiwar movement, radical leaders of the 1960s sought to make revolutionary changes in American...
Sergeant Smack chronicles the story of North Carolina's Leslie "Ike" Atkinson, an adventurer, gambler and one of U.S. history's most original gangsters. Under the cover of the Vietnam War and through the use of the U.S. military infrastructure, Atkinson masterminded an enterprising group of family members and former African American GIs that the DEA identified as one of history's ten top drug trafficking rings. Ike's organization moved heroin from Thailand to North Carolina and beyond. According to law enforcement sources, 1,000 pounds is a conservative estimate of the amount of heroin the...
Sergeant Smack chronicles the story of North Carolina's Leslie "Ike" Atkinson, an adventurer, gambler and one of U.S. history's most original gangster...
The global drug trade is one of the most prominent examples of the law of supply and demand. Despite such countermeasures as the execution of narcotics dealers in China and the United States's much-ballyhooed "War on Drugs," drug traffickers have always managed to meet the demand and satisfy an ever-growing customer base.
In addition to offering a wealth of little-known facts, "The War on Drugs" also covers major dealers, cartels, organizations, smuggling and anti-smuggling strategies, major miscalculations and disasters, drug epidemics, legal restraints, famous incidents, and more.
The global drug trade is one of the most prominent examples of the law of supply and demand. Despite such countermeasures as the execution of narco...