Traditional comparative studies of parliaments have focused on constitutional and organizational characteristics of parliaments, or differences in the historical context, in which legislative assemblies have developed. The motivations of individual members of parliament have been neglected.
Traditional comparative studies of parliaments have focused on constitutional and organizational characteristics of parliaments, or differences in the...
Traditional comparative studies of parliaments have focused on constitutional and organizational characteristics of parliaments, or differences in the historical contexts, in which legislative assemblies have developed. The motivations of individual Members of Parliament have been neglected. This volume provides empirical work on legislative role orientations and behaviour in six West European parliaments: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and the United Kingdom. All contributions present a wealth of empirical findings on parliamentarians' role orientations in different...
Traditional comparative studies of parliaments have focused on constitutional and organizational characteristics of parliaments, or differences in the...
Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde im Sommersemester 1993 von der Philosophi schen Fakultat der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen als Dissertation angenommen. Erstgutachter war Herr Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Kurt Sontheimer, das Zweitgutachten verfasste Herr Professor Dr. Rolf Ziegler, als Drittgut achter fungierte Herr Professor Dr. Dieter Grosser. Wer eine wissenschaftliche Arbeit schreibt, wird in vieler Hinsicht zum Schuldner. Mit dem Dank an Kollegen und Freunde soll selbstverstandlich nicht die Verantwortung fur das dem Vorwort Folgende auf andere abgewalzt werden. Doch ohne den Rat und...
Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde im Sommersemester 1993 von der Philosophi schen Fakultat der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen als Dissertation ange...
The Concise Encyclopedia of Comparative Sociology presents the current state of knowledge in comparative sociology for students, scholars, and the educated lay public. The major aim of comparative sociological research is to identify similarities and differences among societies, studying variation across both geographical regions and historical periods. This volume is divided into six broad categories: Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Comparing Societies, Comparative Historical Sociology, Comparing Institutions and Social Structures, Comparing Social Processes, Comparing Nation...
The Concise Encyclopedia of Comparative Sociology presents the current state of knowledge in comparative sociology for students, scholars, and ...
Dieser Band zieht eine politikwissenschaftliche Bilanz der zweiten Amtszeit von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel. In den Beitragen ausgewiesener Experten werdendie Rahmenbedingungen des Regierens zwischen 2009 und 2013 analysiert, so etwa die strategische Positionierung von Regierungs- und Oppositionsparteien, die Rolle des Bundesrates, das Koalitionsmanagement oder der Einfluss von Verbanden. Im zweiten Teilwerdendie wichtigsten Entscheidungen der christlich-liberalen Koalition analysiert, erklart und bewertet. Besonderes Augenmerk widmet der Band der Eurokrise und der deutschen Reaktion auf...
Dieser Band zieht eine politikwissenschaftliche Bilanz der zweiten Amtszeit von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel. In den Beitragen ausgewiesener Exper...
Legislatures are political bodies essential to democracy and the rule of law. They present social scientists with numerous intriguing puzzles, with far-reaching implications for our understanding of political institutions. Why, and how, have these ancient assemblies, established in pre-democratic times, survived the transition to mass democracies? How have they adapted? How do they structure such processes as budgeting, legislation, and executive oversight? How do their members get selected, and what consequences flow from differences in these rules? What roles do committees and political...
Legislatures are political bodies essential to democracy and the rule of law. They present social scientists with numerous intriguing puzzles, with fa...
In 2005, almost 700,000 immigrants acquired the citizenship of a member state of the European Union; over 600,000 became US citizens; nearly 100,000 became Australians and approximately 200,000 Canadians. 2005 was not an exceptional year. During the past decades, many advanced liberal democracies have become more ethnically diverse societies. This book breaks new ground in the analysis of the political representation of immigrants and visible minorities both theoretically and empirically. It examines the upward trend in migrant and minority representation and demonstrates that there remain...
In 2005, almost 700,000 immigrants acquired the citizenship of a member state of the European Union; over 600,000 became US citizens; nearly 100,00...