In a small South Dakota town at the end of WWII, a fearless stray dog and a principled German Prisoner of War embolden Donald "Donnyboy" Cook, an insecure 13-year-old, to stand up against the bullies who terrorize him and the intolerance choking his community. Along the way, Donnyboy overcomes his loneliness and isolation by making friends with several colorful classmates and falling in love with Alice Cody, the smartest, prettiest, and most competitive girl in his grade.
In a small South Dakota town at the end of WWII, a fearless stray dog and a principled German Prisoner of War embolden Donald "Donnyboy" Cook, an inse...
The purpose of this book is to introduce this subject in the hopes that my readers may enter into this fullness of the life of the Spirit and His ministry gifts.
The liberating truth of the Holy Spirit's work will set all who read it on the journey to fullness.
You Need The Holy Spirit
This is a book about power, more specifically, this is a book about the power of the Holy Spirit and how this power dramatically impacted both the personal life and ministry of the author. It is a...
A Primer on Power, The Power of The Holy Spirit
The purpose of this book is to introduce this subject in the hopes that my ...