Temoignage d estime et d amitie a Alberto Bondolfi l un des pionniers qui ont ouvert la voie a la bioethique en Suisse cet ouvrage obeit a l exigence d apporter un eclairage interdisciplinaire sur les questions centrales du debat ethico-politique contemporain. Il offre une vision d ensemble des approches de la reflexion normative appliquee au domaine du vivant. Ce questionnement se decline selon trois axes: le premier interroge le statut de la discipline, sa place au carrefour des sciences medicales et biologiques. Le deuxieme se concentre sur les problemes du passage de la norme a son...
Temoignage d estime et d amitie a Alberto Bondolfi l un des pionniers qui ont ouvert la voie a la bioethique en Suisse cet ouvrage obeit a l exigence ...
The fight against impunity has become a growing concern of the international community. Updated in 2005, the UN Set of Principles for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights Through Action to Combat Impunity is the fruit of several years of study, developed under the aegis of the UN Commission on Human Rights and then affirmed by the Human Rights Council. These Principles are today widely accepted as constituting an authoritative reference point for efforts in the fight against impunity for gross human rights abuses and serious violations of international humanitarian law. As a...
The fight against impunity has become a growing concern of the international community. Updated in 2005, the UN Set of Principles for the Protection a...