Scientific visualization has become an important tool for visual analysis in many scientific, engineering, and medical disciplines.
This book focuses on efficient visualization techniques, which are the prerequisite for the interactive exploration of complex data sets. High performance is primarily achieved by devising algorithms for the fast graphics processing units (GPUs) of modern graphics hardware. Other aspects discussed in the book include parallelization on cluster computers with several GPUs, adaptive rendering methods, multi-resolution models, and non-photorealistic...
Scientific visualization has become an important tool for visual analysis in many scientific, engineering, and medical disciplines.
Psychology aims to give us a scientific account of how the mind works. But what does it mean to have a science of the mental, and what sort of picture of the mind emerges from our best psychological theories? This book addresses these philosophical puzzles in a way that is accessible to readers with little or no background in psychology or neuroscience. Using clear and detailed case studies and drawing on up-to-date empirical research, it examines perception and action, the link between attention and consciousness, the modularity of mind, how we understand other minds, and the influence of...
Psychology aims to give us a scientific account of how the mind works. But what does it mean to have a science of the mental, and what sort of picture...
Psychology aims to give us a scientific account of how the mind works. But what does it mean to have a science of the mental, and what sort of picture of the mind emerges from our best psychological theories? This book addresses these philosophical puzzles in a way that is accessible to readers with little or no background in psychology or neuroscience. Using clear and detailed case studies and drawing on up-to-date empirical research, it examines perception and action, the link between attention and consciousness, the modularity of mind, how we understand other minds, and the influence of...
Psychology aims to give us a scientific account of how the mind works. But what does it mean to have a science of the mental, and what sort of picture...
Scientific visualization has become an important tool for visual analysis in many scientific, engineering, and medical disciplines.
This book focuses on efficient visualization techniques, which are the prerequisite for the interactive exploration of complex data sets. High performance is primarily achieved by devising algorithms for the fast graphics processing units (GPUs) of modern graphics hardware. Other aspects discussed in the book include parallelization on cluster computers with several GPUs, adaptive rendering methods, multi-resolution models, and non-photorealistic...
Scientific visualization has become an important tool for visual analysis in many scientific, engineering, and medical disciplines.