This first novel in the "Buddy" series from Art Perkins is a love story - but one told in a deeper way than the typical romantic adventure, because it is a story not just between people, but with the romance God shares between Himself and mankind. "Buddy" follows Earl and his pain at the tragic loss of his wife. Through dealing with his own grief and the pressures of his job, he dives into distraction with his hang gliding activity. Through an unexpected encounter with God, he volunteers his time at a local nursing home and befriends a young man afflicted with cerebral palsy. Joyce,...
This first novel in the "Buddy" series from Art Perkins is a love story - but one told in a deeper way than the typical romantic adventure, because it...
"A courageous Christian couple have a well-deserved taste of heaven... But only a brief sampling before they must return to earth to embark on another mission of importance to God and their own futures as members of the Church in her role as Bride of Christ."
"As Earl and Joyce pursue their mission in America, Israel and her implacable enemies clash in the first skirmishes of the great war of Israel's annihilation."
In this fourth novel of the "Buddy" series, Earl and Joyce Cook pick up their battered bodies from the street in Texas where they had been brutally assaulted and left for...
"A courageous Christian couple have a well-deserved taste of heaven... But only a brief sampling before they must return to earth to embark on anot...