At 19 years old, Jordan Rubin was a healthy 6'1- and 180 pounds. Shockingly, his weight fell to just 104 lbs. in a matter of months. His immune system was at an all-time low, as he suffered from Crohn's disease, food allergies, anemia, fibromyalgia, intestinal parasites, and a host of other conditions. After seeing over 70 health professionals, using both conventional and alternative medicines, Rubin was sent home in a wheelchair to die.
But his story didn't end there. Through determination and a powerful faith in God, Rubin refused to give in to disease. Instead, he educated...
At 19 years old, Jordan Rubin was a healthy 6'1- and 180 pounds. Shockingly, his weight fell to just 104 lbs. in a matter of months. His immune sys...
Pensar en el cielo puede ser inquietante. Vida sin fin? Espacio sin limites? Se supone que deberiamos sentirnos bien al respecto?
Max Lucado, escritor de best sellers, nos asegura que si. Hay muchas cosas sobre el cielo que todavia no entendemos. Y aunque hay pensamientos sobre nuestro destino final que pueden despertar interrogantes, no tienen por que agitar nuestros temores.
En Al entrar al cielo hacemos un recorrido con Max, descubriendo desde la certeza de nuestro destino hasta las magnificas promesas de Dios sobre la otra vida. Abre la puerta y echa...
Pensar en el cielo puede ser inquietante. Vida sin fin? Espacio sin limites? Se supone que deberiamos sentirnos bien al respecto?
Las mujeres, que no solo son responsables de su propia salud sino que a menudo de la salud de sus esposos, hijos, y frecuentemente tambien de la de sus padres ancianos, estan hartas de estar cansadas y enfermas. Ellas simplemente quieren mas de la vida, especialmente cuando estan lidiando con problemas de salud propios de las mujeres como -la depresion despues del parto-, cancer al seno, menopausia y perdida osea. Ahora, el autor de gran exito de ventas, Jordan Rubin, su esposa Nicki, y la doctora Pancheta Wilson, hacen uso de conceptos biblicos y naturales sobre la salud y formulan un...
Las mujeres, que no solo son responsables de su propia salud sino que a menudo de la salud de sus esposos, hijos, y frecuentemente tambien de la de...
Bestselling author Jordan Rubin, with David Remedios, M.D., shows how to adopt the 7 Keys in The Great Physician's Rx for Health and Wellness to focus aggressively on diabetes and develop a game plan against it.
Bestselling author Jordan Rubin, with David Remedios, M.D., shows how to adopt the 7 Keys in The Great Physician's Rx for Health and Wellness t...
Bestselling author Jordan Rubin, along with David Remedios, M.D., shows how to adopt the 7 Keys in The Great Physician's Rx for Health and Wellness to create a healthier lifestyle that leads naturally to weight loss.
Bestselling author Jordan Rubin, along with David Remedios, M.D., shows how to adopt the 7 Keys in The Great Physician's Rx for Health and Wellness...
More and more often doctors are telling their patients their bad cholesterol levels are unacceptably high. Jordan Rubin, with Joseph Brasco, MD, believes people should regard that information as they view a red -Engine Warning- light on the dashboard of their cars. Signs of high cholesterol are a warning light for serious future health problems: gallstones, high blood pressure, impotence, heart disease, and stroke.
In The Great Physician's Rx for High Cholesterol, Rubin and Brasco show how to take hold of the Seven Keys for Health and Wellness to prevent and even reverse...
More and more often doctors are telling their patients their bad cholesterol levels are unacceptably high. Jordan Rubin, with Joseph Brasco, MD, be...
Jordan Rubin, along with Joseph Brasco, MD, shows readers how to apply the 7 Keys to Health and Wellness and naturally eliminate colds, the flu, and sinus infections from their lives.
Jordan Rubin, along with Joseph Brasco, MD, shows readers how to apply the 7 Keys to Health and Wellness and naturally eliminate colds, the flu, an...