The government's NHS Plan emphasises the importance of services based on users' views.This highly topical report provides practical guidance on how to ensure that older people's views are heard and acted on, and their views monitored, in relation to service quality.Quality at home for older people: provides new information on the definition of quality in home care services by service users both under and over 80 years of age;identifies users' priorities for the first time;shows the differences and similarities in the perceptions of quality between white and minority ethnic service...
The government's NHS Plan emphasises the importance of services based on users' views.This highly topical report provides practical guidance on how to...
In Approaches to Social Research: The Case of Deaf Studies, Alys Young and Bogusia Temple explore the relationship between key methodological debates in social research and the special context of studies concerning d/Deaf people(s). The book is organized around 7 topics: being d/Deaf as a site of contested identity and representation; epistemology and the boundaries of claims for population specific and plural epistemologies; ethics and the implications of collective identity on standard ethical principles and practices; populations and sampling given the highly heterogeneous nature...
In Approaches to Social Research: The Case of Deaf Studies, Alys Young and Bogusia Temple explore the relationship between key methodologica...