In Body Language physicians and medical students chronicle their challenging, often harrowing experiences. The anthology is broken into six sections: Medical Student, First Year; Second Year; Clinical Years; Intern; Resident; and Attending. Other anthologies have featured poems about medicine and healthcare, but the approach of this collection--poems written by doctors-in-training proceeding step-by-step through the medical training experience--is unique in medical literature. By presenting physicians who are also skilled poets addressing a diverse range of medical situations,...
In Body Language physicians and medical students chronicle their challenging, often harrowing experiences. The anthology is broken into six...
John Romano and George Engel: their lives and work is an historical biography of two distinguished physicians who were members of the University of Rochester's medical school faculty from 1946 until their deaths in the 1990s.
John Romano and George Engel: their lives and work is an historical biography of two distinguished physicians who were members of the University of Ro...