In Stacy, the sole protagonist finds life confusing in a world of unwritten rules. If there's no one around to tell him right from wrong, he just has to guess. But he's never been very lucky, and sometimes he gets his guesses very wrong. Fanny and Faggot presents two distinct moments in the life of Mary Bell.
In Stacy, the sole protagonist finds life confusing in a world of unwritten rules. If there's no one around to tell him right from wrong, he...
A sharp new play with an offbeat view of Labour's famous 1997 victory. The Tories, eighteen years in power, are defeated as New Labour sweeps into government. From the euphoria and despair, three deeply personal stories emerge.
A sharp new play with an offbeat view of Labour's famous 1997 victory. The Tories, eighteen years in power, are defeated as New Labour sweeps into ...