Emotional Intelligence was an international phenomenon, appearing on the New York Times bestseller list for over a year and selling more than five million copies worldwide. Now, once again, Daniel Goleman has written a groundbreaking synthesis of the latest findings in biology and brain science, revealing that we are wired to connect and the surprisingly deep impact of our relationships on every aspect of our lives. Far more than we are consciously aware, our daily encounters with parents, spouses, bosses, and even strangers shape our brains and affect cells throughout our...
Emotional Intelligence was an international phenomenon, appearing on the New York Times bestseller list for over a year and selling more...
Everyone knows that high IQ is no guarantee of success, happiness, or virtue, but until Emotional Intelligence, we could only guess why. Daniel Goleman's brilliant report from the frontiers of psychology and neuroscience offers startling new insight into our "two minds"--the rational and the emotional--and how they together shape our destiny.
Through vivid examples, Goleman delineates the five crucial skills of emotional intelligence, and shows how they determine our success in relationships, work, and even our physical well-being. What emerges is an entirely new way to talk about...
Everyone knows that high IQ is no guarantee of success, happiness, or virtue, but until Emotional Intelligence, we could only guess why. Daniel...
Drawing on recent brain and behavioural research, Daniel Goleman demonstrates the factors at work when people of high IQ flounder and those of modest IQ do surprisingly well. He explains how emotional intelligence can be taught and nurtured.
Drawing on recent brain and behavioural research, Daniel Goleman demonstrates the factors at work when people of high IQ flounder and those of modest ...
As business reinvents itself at broadband speed, what makes leaders effective has inevitably been transformed. Old assumptions and old modes no longer hold; a new style of leadership that works has emerged amidst the chaos of change. This new leader excels in the art of relationship - the singular expertise which the changing business climate renders indispensable. Excellence is being defined in interpersonal terms as companies have stripped out layers of managers, as corporations merge across national boundaries, and as customers and suppliers redefine the web of connection. Daniel Goleman...
As business reinvents itself at broadband speed, what makes leaders effective has inevitably been transformed. Old assumptions and old modes no longer...
The bestselling author of Emotional Intelligence and Primal Leadership now brings us Ecological Intelligence--revealing the hidden environmental consequences of what we make and buy, and how with that knowledge we can drive the essential changes we all must make to save our planet and ourselves. We buy "herbal" shampoos that contain industrial chemicals that can threaten our health or contaminate the environment. We dive down to see coral reefs, not realizing that an ingredient in our sunscreen feeds a virus that kills the reef. We wear organic cotton t-shirts, but...
The bestselling author of Emotional Intelligence and Primal Leadership now brings us Ecological Intelligence--revealing the hidde...
Der abstrakte IQ, mit dem die rationale Intelligenz gemessen wird, sagt wenig darüber aus, wie wir unser Leben und unseren Alltag meistern. Denn Streß, Wut und Angstsituationen sind nicht mit dem Verstand allein zu bewältigen. Hier sind andere Qualitäten gefragt: der richtige Umgang mit Gefühlen, die Fähigkeit, eigene Empfindungen zu analysieren und auf die der anderen angemessen einzugehen. Diese grundlegende Fähigkeit, über die manche Menschen mehr, andere weniger verfügen, die aber nach und nach entwickelt werden kann, bezeichnet der Psychologe Daniel Goleman als "Emotionale...
Der abstrakte IQ, mit dem die rationale Intelligenz gemessen wird, sagt wenig darüber aus, wie wir unser Leben und unseren Alltag meistern. Denn Stre...
Führungspersönlichkeiten bewegen viel, besonders ihre Mitarbeiter. Sie schaffen ein Klima, in dem Ideen wachsen, und sie fördern Teamgeist und Visionen. Sie verstehen ihre Mitarbeiter auf der emotionalen Ebene und strahlen bei aller Verantwortung große Offenheit und Freude aus. Vor allem aber sind sie eines: emotional intelligent. Von den schlechten Chefs unterscheidet sie, dass sie ihren EQ erkennen und ihr emotionales Potenzial zum Nutzen des Unternehmens einsetzen. Wie das funktioniert, zeigt Goleman in "Emotionale Führung". Er stellt sechs Führungsstile vor - vom bestimmenden bis...
Führungspersönlichkeiten bewegen viel, besonders ihre Mitarbeiter. Sie schaffen ein Klima, in dem Ideen wachsen, und sie fördern Teamgeist und Visi...
Does IQ define our destiny? This work argues that our view of human intelligence is far too narrow, and that our emotions play major role in thought, decision making and individual success. It shows how emotional intelligence can be nurtured and strengthened in all of us.
Does IQ define our destiny? This work argues that our view of human intelligence is far too narrow, and that our emotions play major role in thought, ...
In Focus, Psychologist and journalist Daniel Goleman, author of the #1 international bestseller Emotional Intelligence, offers a groundbreaking look at today's scarcest resource and the secret to high performance and fulfillment: attention.
Combining cutting-edge research with practical findings, Focus delves into the science of attention in all its varieties, presenting a long overdue discussion of this little-noticed and under-rated mental asset. In an era of unstoppable distractions, Goleman persuasively argues that now more than ever we must learn to...
In Focus, Psychologist and journalist Daniel Goleman, author of the #1 international bestseller Emotional Intelligence, offers a ...