TheAAECCsymposiumwasstartedinJune1983byAlainPoli(Toulouse), who, together with Roger Desq, Daniel Lazard, and Paul Camion, organized the ?rst conference. The meaning of the acronym AAECC changed from Applied - gebra and Error Correcting Codes to Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms, and Error Correcting Codes. One reason for this was the increasing importance of complexity, particularly for decoding algorithms. During the AAECC-12 s- posium the conference committee decided to enforce the theory and practice of the coding side as well as the cryptographic aspects. Algebra was conserved, as in...
TheAAECCsymposiumwasstartedinJune1983byAlainPoli(Toulouse), who, together with Roger Desq, Daniel Lazard, and Paul Camion, organized the ?rst conferen...