The10thInternationalSymposiumonDatabaseProgrammingLanguages, DBPL 2005, was held in Trondheim, Norway in August 2005. DBPL 2005 was one of 11 meetings to be co-located with VLDB (the International Conference on Very Large Data Bases). DBPLcontinuesto presentthe verybest workat the intersectionofdatabase andprogramminglanguageresearch. DBPL2005accepted17papersout ofa- talof 63submissions;anacceptancerateof27%. Everysubmissionwasreviewed by at least three members of the program committee. In addition, the program committeesoughtthe opinionsof51additionalreferees, selectedbecauseoftheir...
The10thInternationalSymposiumonDatabaseProgrammingLanguages, DBPL 2005, was held in Trondheim, Norway in August 2005. DBPL 2005 was one of 11 meetings...