Recently, expectations of the potential of regenerative medicine have risen because of the exciting results obtained in various areas of research. This book contains contributions from leading researchers in the field who describe their successes and the problems that remain in converting the hopes into concrete therapies. The focus of the book is on the role of stem cells in two main areas -- reproduction and the brain -- described from molecular, cellular, in vivo and clinical perspectives.
Recently, expectations of the potential of regenerative medicine have risen because of the exciting results obtained in various areas of research. ...
Ithaslongbeenknownthatamphibiaandotherlowerordervertebrates havethecapacitytoregeneratelimbsaswellasdamagedheartsorbrains. Overthepastdecade, therehasbeenamajorchangeinthewaythatthe potentialforregenerationinmammalsisviewed.Earlier, incontrastto the acceptance of regeneration in amphibia, it was generally believed that there was very limited if any capacity for regeneration in many mammalianorgansystemssuchastheheartandbrain.Thediscoveryof tissue-resident adult stem cells and the description of the properties of embryonic stem cells have altered this view. This change in paradigm VI Preface...