Sikhism is one of the youngest religions of the world, and its followers, Sikhs, are renowned as ?erceandproudwarriors. Theybelieveinsingle, formlessGod, andarenowsettledinalmost- erycountryonthisplanet. Becauseoftheirdedication, hard-workandentrepreneurship, anumber of Sikh leaders have occupied coveted positions like President, Prime Minister, Home Minister, FinanceMinister, ForeignMinister, DefenceMinister, SpeakeroftheLokSabha, ChiefMinisters, Governors, Mayors, High Commissioners, Members of Parliament and Legislative Assemblies not only in India but also in other countries. Beside...
Sikhism is one of the youngest religions of the world, and its followers, Sikhs, are renowned as ?erceandproudwarriors. Theybelieveinsingle, formlessG...