Joachim Reitner Nadia-Vala(c)Rie Qua(c)Ric Gernot Arp
Stromatolites are the most intriguing geobiological structures of the entire earth history since the beginning of the fossil record in the Archaean. Stromatolites and microbialites are interpreted as biosedimentological remains of biofilms and microbial mats. These structures are important environmental and evolutionary archives which give us information about ancient habitats, biodiversity, and evolution of complex benthic ecosystems. However, many geobiological aspects of these structures are still unknown or only poorly understood. The present proceedings highlight the new ideas and...
Stromatolites are the most intriguing geobiological structures of the entire earth history since the beginning of the fossil record in the Archaean...
The interplay between Geology and Biology has shaped the Earth from the early Precambrian, 4 billion years ago. Moving beyond the borders of the classical core disciplines, Geobiology strives to identify chains of cause-and-effect and synergisms between the geo- and the biospheres that have been driving the evolution of life in modern and ancient environments. Combining modern methods, geobiological information can be extracted not only from visible remains of organisms, but also from organic molecules, rock fabrics, minerals, isotopes and other tracers. An understanding of these processes...
The interplay between Geology and Biology has shaped the Earth from the early Precambrian, 4 billion years ago. Moving beyond the borders of the cl...
Stromatolites are the most intriguing geobiological structures of the entire earth history since the beginning of the fossil record in the Archaean. Stromatolites and microbialites are interpreted as biosedimentological remains of biofilms and microbial mats. These structures are important environmental and evolutionary archives which give us information about ancient habitats, biodiversity, and evolution of complex benthic ecosystems. However, many geobiological aspects of these structures are still unknown or only poorly understood. The present proceedings highlight the new ideas and...
Stromatolites are the most intriguing geobiological structures of the entire earth history since the beginning of the fossil record in the Archaean...
Fossil and Recent Sponges contains articles on taxonomic, phylogenetic and ecological aspects of sponges of both biological and paleontological interest. They focus on three main topics: phylogeny and systematics, biology, and paleoecology of sponges. The reader is offered an overview over the most important aspects of current sponge research: - establishment of a new taxonomy based on mono phyletic groups (phylogenetic systematics) including recent and fossil taxa - new concepts of the biomineralisation of sponge skeletons - palaeoenvironmental analysis of fossil sponge buildups.
Fossil and Recent Sponges contains articles on taxonomic, phylogenetic and ecological aspects of sponges of both biological and paleontological intere...