Martha Sanchez-Craig Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
People often recognize that their drinking is causing problems in their lives long before they are ready to seek help. Knowing that there is a problem can be a good first step to cutting back or quitting drinking, but it can be hard to know what further steps to take to make changes and stick to them. Saying When presents a step-by-step program to help people cut down or stop drinking. Developed by the author Dr Martha Sanchez-Craig over 22 years at the Addiction Research Foundation, the program was designed to be used by people on their own or with counselling. The program is directed at...
People often recognize that their drinking is causing problems in their lives long before they are ready to seek help. Knowing that there is a problem...
Martha Sanchez-Craig Centre de Toxicomanie Et de Sante Mental
Un grand nombre de personnes savent que leur consommation d'alcool est problematique bien avant d'etre pretes a demander de l'aide. Cette reconnaissance du probleme peut etre une premiere etape importante en vue d'arreter de boire ou de reduire sa consommation d'alcool. Toutefois, il est parfois difficile de determiner les autres etapes a franchir pour apporter des changements permanents. C'est assez presente un programme en plusieurs etapes visant a reduire la consommation d'alcool ou a y mettre fin. L'auteure Martha Sanchez-Craig (Ph.D.) a elabore ce programme au cours de son mandat de...
Un grand nombre de personnes savent que leur consommation d'alcool est problematique bien avant d'etre pretes a demander de l'aide. Cette reconnaissan...