Spanning almost 100 years, this memoir recounts the lives of one family of remarkable Chinese women. Their journey takes readers from the poverty of village life in mainland China to prosperous 1930s Hong Kong and finally to the UK. 8-page b&w photo insert.
Spanning almost 100 years, this memoir recounts the lives of one family of remarkable Chinese women. Their journey takes readers from the poverty of v...
On June 23, 2016, the UK voted to leave the European Union. Uncertainly has caused market volatility, illiquidity in property funds, and fear amongst individuals. The OECD reported on July 11, 2016, that the economic shock and disruption delivered by Brexit is on par with the impact of devastating and unforeseen natural disasters. This book considers the legal issues arising out of Brexit, and the immediate and future issues that businesses are likely to face. Helen Tse starts with an introduction explaining the legal route to achieve a Brexit by triggering Article 50 of the Treaty on the...
On June 23, 2016, the UK voted to leave the European Union. Uncertainly has caused market volatility, illiquidity in property funds, and fear amongst ...