"Axe Age" is dedicated to the Acheulian, a unique cultural phenomenon with the longest duration and the widest distribution in the history of humanity. The Acheulian lasted over 1 million years and is well known over three continents (Africa, Europe and Asia). This stone tool tradition is characterized by its hallmark bifacial tools, which include handaxes and cleavers. Though this prehistoric culture has been investigated extensively for over a century, countless questions have remained unanswered. Many of them are addressed in this volume. The volume, of interest to both scholars and...
"Axe Age" is dedicated to the Acheulian, a unique cultural phenomenon with the longest duration and the widest distribution in the history of humanity...
From a methodological perspective the authors apply a detailed attribute analysis to all lithic items, a method that integrates morpho-technoogical and stylistic observations culminating in better understanding of the Acheulian realm as documented by the analysis.
From a methodological perspective the authors apply a detailed attribute analysis to all lithic items, a method that integrates morpho-technoogical an...