The first American novel by a writer of Japanese ancestry, "The American Diary of a Japanese Girl" is a landmark of modern American fiction and Japanese-American transnationalism. First published in 1902, Yone Noguchi's novel describes the turn-of-the-century adventures of Tokyo belle Miss Morning Glory in a first-person narrative that the "New York Times" called "perfectly ingenuous and unconventional." Initially published as an authentic journal, the Diary was later revealed to be a playful autobiographical fiction written by a man. No less than her creator, Miss Morning Glory delights in...
The first American novel by a writer of Japanese ancestry, "The American Diary of a Japanese Girl" is a landmark of modern American fiction and Japane...
Describes the turn-of-the-century adventures of Tokyo belle Miss Morning Glory in a first-person narrative. With the addition of critical commentary and comprehensive notes, this annotated edition sheds light on the creative inventiveness of an important modernist writer.
Describes the turn-of-the-century adventures of Tokyo belle Miss Morning Glory in a first-person narrative. With the addition of critical commentary a...