Madame de Pompadour's famous quip, "Apres nous, le deluge," serves as fitting inspiration for this lively discussion of postwar French intellectual and cultural life. Over the past thirty years, North American and European scholarship has been significantly transformed by the absorption of poststructuralist and postmodernist theories from French thinkers. But Julian Bourg's seamlessly edited volume proves that, historically speaking, French intellecutal and cultural life since World War Two has involved much more than a few infamous figures and concepts. Motivated by a desire to narrate and...
Madame de Pompadour's famous quip, "Apres nous, le deluge," serves as fitting inspiration for this lively discussion of postwar French intellectual an...
Madame de Pompadour's famous quip, 'Apr_s nous, le deluge, ' serves as fitting inspiration for this lively discussion of postwar French intellectual and cultural life. Over the past thirty years, North American and European scholarship has been significantly transformed by the absorption of poststructuralist and postmodernist theories from French thinkers. But Julian Bourg's seamlessly edited volume proves that, historically speaking, French intellecutal and cultural life since World War Two has involved much more than a few infamous figures and concepts. Motivated by a desire to narrate and...
Madame de Pompadour's famous quip, 'Apr_s nous, le deluge, ' serves as fitting inspiration for this lively discussion of postwar French intellectual a...